
Authorized developers can use the eBridge Connections SOAP API to send or receive documents from businesses on the eBridge ePortal. This documentation page has instructions and code samples for many common use cases. Additional resources are available here including XSD files and a WSDL document.

Get Started

In order to get started you will need the username and password for an eBridge ePortal account that has API access enabled. You can request API access or request an ePortal account by contacting eBridge.

Below is an example script that you can use to test your ePortal credentials with the eBridge web services. Replace JaneDoe with your ePortal username (or login) and abc123 with your ePortal password.

$client = new SoapClient("https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl",array('trace' => true));
$params = array(
try {
	$response = $client->__getLastResponse();
catch (Exception $e) {
	$response = 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
echo $response;

The $response variable should contain a list of the document types supported by eBridge. If you do not see the document types then it is possible that your eBridge account does not have API access enabled. Contact eBridge Connections support for assistance with enabling API access on your account.

The SendFile() method is used for transmitting data to ePortal. This method is commonly used to send orders to an ERP through ePortal (for example, from a custom web store) however it can also be used to transmit product data, inventory reports, shipping information, customer information and other business documents.

When a valid document is successfully transmitted using SendFile() it will appear in the outbox of the sending account. You can view your ePortal mailboxes by logging into the eBridge Connections ePortal.


SendFile() has four string parameters; all are required:

loginstringePortal username of sender
passwordstringePortal password of sender
contentstringXML document being sent
filenamestringA unique filename

Things you should know

  • ePortal accounts cannot send documents to themselves. In order to drop documents in your own account please request a dummy sender account from eBridge support.
  • You can only send a document to a recipient account after eBridge has registered you to trade documents with them and only then for the document types that you are registered to trade.
  • All documents must have sender and recipient IDs in the XML file. You can find more information about these IDs in the sub-sections for orders, product data and inventory data.

Writing eBridge XML documents

eBridge XML is based on xCBL 4.0 (the XML Common Business Library.) The elements in the XML files you send to eBridge will be determined by the document type you wish to send and the applications that you are integrating. You can find schemas and sample XML files for each document type in the sections for orders, product data and inventory data.

Some elements are optional or only apply to a specific application. You can use the eBridge blueprint builder to look up the XPath associated with a specific field. Here's how:

  1. Choose an accounting package using the picklists on the left or choose an eCommerce or CRM system using the buttons and picklists on the right
  2. Click on the arrow for the touchpoint you are interested in
  3. Click on the View Data Elements link (located below the arrows)

A pop-up will appear, showing you each field in the touchpoint you chose and the corresponding eBridge XML XPaths.


The response from SendFile() will be true or false. A response of true means that the document was received by the eBridge Connections ePortal. It does not necessarily mean that the document was delivered to the recipient. You can verify whether or not the document was delivered by logging into the eBridge Connections ePortal and checking your Outbox to see if the document is there.

If there was an error in processing or delivering your document you may see the document in your Non-compliant Outbox along with a short error message that explains what went wrong.

Sample code

Below are some sample scripts that use SendFile():

$client = new SoapClient("https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl");
$xml = file_get_contents("example.xml");
$params = array(
	'content' => $xml,
	'filename' => '123.xml'
try {
    $response = $client->SendFile($params);
catch (Exception $e) {
    $response = 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
//Web Reference (ePortalServiceReference) needs to be added to your project with url (https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl)
            string username = "JaneDoe";
            string password = "abc123";
            string content = "";
            string filename = "123.xml";
            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader("example.xml"))
                content = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            ePortalServiceReference.ePortalService eportalService = new ePortalServiceReference.ePortalService();
                bool result = eportalService.SendFile(username, password, content, filename);
                if (result)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("File has been sent successfully.");
            catch (Exception ex)


Orders can be sent to ePortal using SendFile(). The content parameter of SendFile() should be an XML document structured according to the Order Management XSD of the xCBL 4.0 standard with <Order> as the root node.

The fields required for a sales order can vary depending on the application that the order will be integrated with. You can see the sales order fields for your application/ERP and identify their corresponding XML elements using the Data Elements link from eBridge's XPath blueprint builder.

BuyerParty IDs and SellerParty IDs

Orders must contain BuyerParty IDs and SellerParty IDs. The BuyerParty is the sender of the order on ePortal. This could be a buyer or in some cases it could represent a third party webstore. The SellerParty represents the recipient of the order (normally the seller, however it could also stand for a warehouse or other intermediate endpoint). You can retrieve these ISA IDs by logging into ePortal with the sender account and navigating to Connection Settings. In the sidebar at left, click on the partner that you wish to send orders to. On this page, you will find a table labelled Envelopes:

The User ISA ID is the BuyerParty ID. The Partner ISA ID is the SellerParty ID. You can find a sample Order XML document below. In this sample file, the BuyerParty ID (ACME123 in this example) is labelled in red and the SellerParty ID (XYZCORP) is labelled in gold.

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Order xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/ordermanagement/v1_0/ordermanagement.xsd" xmlns:core="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/core/core.xsd" xmlns:dgs="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <BuyerParty xsi:type="core:PartyType">
      <SellerParty xsi:type="core:PartyType">
      <ShipToParty xsi:type="core:PartyType">
          <core:Name1>John Doe</core:Name1>
          <core:Street>123 Sesame Street</core:Street>
          <core:City>New York</core:City>
      <BillToParty xsi:type="core:PartyType">
          <core:Name1>John Doe</core:Name1>
          <core:Street>123 Sesame Street</core:Street>
          <core:City>NEW YORK</core:City>
          <core:PaymentTermCodedOther>Dummy text since this is required</core:PaymentTermCodedOther>
        <core:PaymentMeanCodedOther>Credit Card</core:PaymentMeanCodedOther>
          <TotalQuantity xsi:type="core:QuantityType">
          <TotalQuantity xsi:type="core:QuantityType">

Product Data

Product Data (also known as PRODAT) is another form of data that can be exchanged using SendFile(). When sending PRODAT to the eBridge Connections ePortal, the content parameter of SendFile() must be an XML document that complies with the InventoryManagement2 XSD. This schema is an eBridge variation of the xCBL standard.

SenderParty IDs and ReceivingParty IDs

As with orders, the document must contain identifiers for the sender and recipient of the document. Refer to the Orders documentation for information on where to find these identifiers in ePortal. In PRODAT documents, the buyer and seller identifiers are replaced with <SenderParty> and <ReceivingParty> respectively.

Sample XML

A sample PRODAT document can be seen below:

<InventoryManagement2 xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd" xmlns:core="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/core/core.xsd" xmlns:dgs="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" xmlns:inv="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/materialsmanagement/v1_0/materialsmanagement.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd C:/Schemas/eBRIDGE/Inventorymanagement2.xsd">
    <CatalogDate xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd">2013-05-08T10:30:00</CatalogDate>
    <CatalogProvider xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd"/>
    <CatalogVersion xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd">1</CatalogVersion>
      <ProductName>Case of 24 - Maple Syrup</ProductName>
      <LongDescription>24 bottles of maple syrup 9</LongDescription>
      <inv:LineItemNumber xmlns:inv="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/materialsmanagement/v1_0/materialsmanagement.xsd"/>
              <core:Name>Is In Stock</core:Name>

Inventory Data

Inventory data, also known as INVRPT, uses the same schema definition as product data: the InventoryManagement2 XSD. Inventory documents also require <SenderParty> and <ReceivingParty> elements as described in the product data section.

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<InventoryManagement2 xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd" xmlns:core="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/core/core.xsd" xmlns:dgs="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" xmlns:inv="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/materialsmanagement/v1_0/materialsmanagement.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd C:/Schemas/eBRIDGE/Inventorymanagement2.xsd">
    <CatalogDate xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd">2013-04-05T10:39:00</CatalogDate>
    <CatalogProvider xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd" />
    <CatalogVersion xmlns:prod="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/scbl/v4_0/catalog/v1_0/catalog.xsd">1</CatalogVersion>
      <ProductName>Case of 24 - Maple Syrup</ProductName>
      <ShortDescription />
      <LongDescription />
      <inv:LineItemNumber xmlns:inv="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v4_0/materialsmanagement/v1_0/materialsmanagement.xsd">1</inv:LineItemNumber>
              <core:Name>Is In Stock</core:Name>

Data can be retrieved from the eBridge Connections ePortal using GetDocumentList() or GetDocumentList2() in combination with GetDocument().


GetDocumentList() returns an array of document IDs based on filter criteria in its parameters:

loginstringePortal username of sender
passwordstringePortal password of sender
statusstringEither All or New
docTypestringA document type such as ORDERS, INVRPT or PRODAT (optional)
partnerstringThe name of the partner or endpoint (optional)
fromDatedatetimeStart of date range
toDatedatetimeEnd of date range

GetDocumentList2() works the same way as GetDocumentList() however the fromDate and toDate fields must be sent as a string type instead of datetime. When using fromDate and toDate parameters with GetDocumentList2, the dates should be formatted YYYY-MM-DD.

Documents have the status New until they are retrieved using GetDocument() or an eBridge application adapter.


Once you have the list of document IDs that you wish to retrieve, you can use the GetDocument() method to fetch them. The parameters of GetDocument() are listed below:

loginstringePortal username
passwordstringePortal password
sys_nointegerDocument ID as returned from GetDocumentList() or GetDocumentList2()

Sample code

Here is an example script that uses GetDocumentList() and GetDocument() to retrieve orders from an ePortal account:

$login = 'JaneDoe';
$password = 'abc123';
$client = new SoapClient("https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl");
$params = array(
	'login' => $login,
	'password'=> $password,
	'status' => 'All',
	'docType' => '850',
	'fromDate' => '2011-03-28',
	'toDate' => '2013-07-28'
try {
	$response = $client->GetDocumentList2($params);
catch (Exception $e) {
	echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->GetDocumentList2Result);
$docs = $xml->xpath("//@doc_sys_no");
$params = array(
	'login' => $login,
	'password'=> $password
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
	$params['sys_no'] = (string) $doc;
	try {
		$response = $client->GetDocument($params);
	catch (Exception $e) {
		echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
//Web Reference (ePortalServiceReference) needs to be added to your project with url (https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl)

            string username = "JaneDoe";

            string password = "abc123";

            string docType = "850";

            string partner = "";

            string fromDate = "2010-03-28";

            string toDate = "2013-07-28";

            ePortalServiceReference.ePortalService eportalService = new ePortalServiceReference.ePortalService();




                string result = eportalService.GetDocumentList2(username, password, ePortalServiceReference.DocListStatus.All, docType, partner, fromDate, toDate);


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))


                    System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();



                    System.Xml.XmlNode xml_doc_sys_list = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[1];


                    if (xml_doc_sys_list != null)


                        List<int> doc_sys_list = new List<int>();


                        if (xml_doc_sys_list.Attributes["doc_sys_no"].Value != null)



                        foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode line in xml_doc_sys_list.ChildNodes)


                            if (line.Attributes["doc_sys_no"].Value != null)




                        foreach (int doc_no in doc_sys_list)


                            string xmlDocument = eportalService.GetDocument(username, password, doc_no);







            catch (Exception ex)




Get Document Type List

The GetDocTypeList() method allows you to retrieve a list of all document types used on eBridge ePortal. Below you can find the required parameters and sample scripts.

usernamestringePortal username
passwordstringePortal password
$client = new SoapClient("https://www.ebridgeservices.com/ePortalService.asmx?wsdl");
$params = array(
try {
	$response = $client->GetDocTypeList($params);
catch (Exception $e) {
	$response = 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();